19 Organic House
30MB selection of beats, basslines, drum loops, tops, combis, music loops, fx, one shot drums and more.

18 Ultimate FX
30+MB pack rammed with mighty falls, rises, impacts, drum and glitch fills, crashes, FX hits, tape squeals, vinyl noise and layered FX.

17 Soundtrack & Chill
Free 60+MB sample pack featuring the deepest cinematic moods and organic ambience for Soundtrack and Chill

16 Deep Tech-House
Nifty 30+MB sample pack from the best-selling Deep Tech-House featuring beats, basslines, synths, tops, combis, music loops, fx, one shot drums and more. NB: This is a zip file. You'll need to unzip it before using the sounds.

12 Progressive House
Exclusive 36+MB samplepack featuring beats, basslines, synths, tops, music loops, fx, one shot drum hits and more from the awesome Progressive House. NB: This is a zip file. You'll need to unzip it before using the sounds.
Download SM12 Progressive House.zip >>

11 Minimal Techno
Exclusive 53MB samplepack featuring beats, basslines, synths, tops, music loops, fx, one shot drum hits and more from the 10/10 rated and 5 star awarded Minimal Techno. NB: This is a zip file. You'll need to unzip it before using the sounds.
Download SM11 MinimalTechno.zip >>

10 Tech-Funk Breaks
Exclusive 53MB samplepack featuring beats, tops, basslines, synths, combis, scratches, messed-up vox, fx, drum hits and more from the nasty Tech-Funk Breaks. NB: This is a zip file. You'll need to unzip it before using the sounds.

09 Funky House Grooves 2
Exclusive 52MB samplepack featuring beats, bass, brass, guitars, keys percussion, filters, fx, drum hits and more from the huge Funky House Grooves 2. NB: This is a zip file. You'll need to unzip it before using the sounds.

08 Nu-Rave
Exclusive 25MB samplepack from the sleazy, naughty, ever-infectious Nu-Rave. NB: You'll need unrar, winrar or similar to de-archive this pack.

07 Around The World In 80 Raves
Exclusive 40MB samplepack from Eat Static's trance/techno/dnb/ethno tour de force Around the World in 80 Raves. NB: This is a zip file. You'll need to unzip it before using the sounds.

06 Minimal Tech-House
Exclusive 40MB samplepack from our fastest-seling release to date, Minimal & Tech-House. NB: This is a zip file. You'll need to unzip it before using the sounds.

05 Sunset Sessions
Bumper 80MB samplepack from Sunset Sessions. Includes beats, music loops, vocoders, percussion and a bumper selection of basslines, guitars, keys, flute, trombone, soundscapes and more... NB: You'll need unrar, winrar or similar to de-archive this pack.
Download SM05 sunsetsessions.rar >>

04 Electro-House
Exclusive 40MB samplepack from our hugely popular Electro-House. Includes beats, kick'n'mix loops, basslines, synths, guitars, hits, fx and more... completely free! NB: You'll need unrar, winrar or similar to de-archive this pack.

03 Transmission-X
Percussive beds, textures, other-wordly transmissions, glitches, synths and fx in this completely free sample pack from Transmission-X, Ian Boddy's acclaimed library. NB: This is a zip file. You'll need to unzip it before using the sounds.

02 Breakbusters
Exclusive samples and loops from Breakbusters, born in the darkest vaults of Sample Magic... NB: This is a zip file. You'll need to unzip it before using the sounds.

01 Funky House Grooves
40+ choice samples and loops from our award-winning Funky House Grooves. Beats, brass, music loops, rhodes, basslines, guitars and more... completely free! NB: This is a zip file. You'll need to unzip it before using the sounds.

03 Transmission-X ESX24 Patches
A small number of Mac users have reported problems using the EXS24 patches. This can be fixed simply by adding the affix: ".exs" at the end of each patch filename. Logic will then recognise the file.

02 Breakbusters Updated ESX24 Patches
Through technical difficulties beyond our control, three of the EXS24 patches for Breakbusters refer to the wrong source WAV files. The following Zip files contains the correct WAV files.You should delete the FX, stabs and textures folder that came on your WAV CD and replace it with this downloaded folder. The EXS24 sampler will then find the new correct files.
Please note - you will need Winzip or a similar utility to unpack the folder.
fx_stabs_and textures.zip >>

01 Funky House Grooves Brass Rex Files
Download the Funky House Grooves brass section REX files here (PC users should right click and "save as") Please note - you will need Winzip or a similar utility to unpack the folder.

Sample Magic
All of the content on this page belongs solely to Sample Magic.
I claim no ownership of anything on this page, this is for archival purposes only.
Webpage originally archived by The Internet Archive
Main directory LostSoftwareArchives
Kudos to Rebecca V for posting most of the demo packages on 4shared
Want even more inspiration? Treat your screen to a luxurious Sample Magic wallpaper - featuring cover artwork from each of our five current releases. Choose from the relevant display size below (choose large for hi-res and wide for widescreen/Powerbook). PC users: right click and 'save as'; Mac users: click and hold over link - then download.